33: The System is Down Star Wars Celebration 2017!

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On today’s episode we break our typical uncomfortable chats format to celebrate the greatest film franchise in human history, Star Wars. I invited five fellow Star Wars fanatics on to have a big round table discussion about all things Star Wars, as this weekend is the release of the latest installment, Episode 8, The Last Jedi.

In addition to this nearly two hour long discussion, we also recorded a bonus hour where we argued The Force Awakens vs Rogue One. The bonus episode got heated and even more entertaining, so don’t miss that. For access to the bonus hour and all of our large weekly updated backlog of bonus content, you can join The Downers Club for as little as $1 per month, help support the show, and be a part of something really fun by going to http://tsidpod.com/support.

However, there’s so much here to get into that you should really stop wasting your time reading and start listening to the FIRST EVER TSID STAR WARS CELEBRATION! Enjoy.

Let’s get weird!

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