129: Tom Macdonald’s “Ghostories” is an Important Message to a Generation

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The question of the day is… Are words violence?
Spoiler alert…. they’re not. Now let’s talk about Tom Macdonald’s new album “Ghostories”

Today’s episode is a little different format than what we typically do around here. An interview had to be rescheduled, so I decided to fly it solo and talk about an album that’s been on my radar for quite some time and on repeat since I received my copy.

If you’re not familiar with Tom Macdonald, he is a rapper who is known for being edgy and controversial for simply speaking his mind and being honest in his art. Here in 2019, that’s what we call “dangerous”. From race issues to trans issues to even calling out big pharma and saying 9/11 was an inside job, Tom Macdonald is a master of finding the buttons to push and punching them with all his might.

Back in my childhood years, it was artists like Marilyn Manson and Eminem who were the punk rock edgy offensive artists. These days, the extent of their “edge” seems to just be talking about sex and Donald Trump… The same “edge” you can hear on The View every weekday morning. Tom is taking art back to the good old days of calling out the systems themselves, rather than repeating mainstream political “Trump bad” bumpersticker talk points.

So this is a song by song breakdown review of the album, not because I’m sponsored or am trying to get you to buy it (you should), but because I think it’s an important and bold piece of art to come out today that pushes the ever tightening boundaries. In a world of “words are violence”, we need more Dave Chappelles, more Bill Burrs, and more Tom Macdonalds.

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.

Let’s get weird!


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