77: Transhumanism: The Next Evolution of Man w. Zoltan Istvan

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The question of the day is…. Will technology go too far? We’ve seen it in countless Hollywood movies; man builds robots, robots get too smart, man gets wiped out. With the ever increasing speed of technological advances where technology builds technology, will we allow it to get to that point?

Today’s episode is my conversation with entrepreneur, politician, and transhumanist, Zoltan Istvan about what the future holds for mankind and their relationship with machines. 

Zoltan is a big proponent of the merging of man with tech and as an optimist, he believes that the future is bright with endless possibilities of exoskeletons, superhuman abilities, and potentially immortality. 

All that and much more on today’s episode of The System is Down, “Transhumanism: The Next Evolution of Man w. Zoltan Istvan”.

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.

Let’s get weird!

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