29: Pastor Grilling w. Lee Bezotte

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I’ve had a few people recently request that we do more discussions on religious and theological topics, which I’m all for. I always love to get you guys’ feedback on what you want to hear from the show.

So, for today’s episode, I invited my own pastor, Lee Bezotte, on to chat about some uncomfortable topics that some people might have a hard time asking their pastor, questions that I wouldn’t have necessarily felt comfortable asking some of the pastors I’ve had in the past, and questions that I feel like a lot of people contemplate. Lee was very generous to give me his time and his thoughts and I greatly appreciate his humble ability to avoid pretending like he has all the answers, as some pastors are prone to doing.

If you guys enjoy this conversation, let me know, and maybe I’ll look for other willing participants in church leadership to jump into the “Pastor Grilling” hot seat in the future.

Let’s get weird.

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