140: The Kanye West Christian Kanspiracy Kanversation

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The question of the day is… If a man is known for outrageous antics, at what point do you take him seriously?

Kanye West is a very polarizing artist. He is well known for things like interrupting Taylor Swift’s award speech, saying George W. Bush doesn’t like black people, triggering half a nation with his Trump support, and some people even know him for his music. Now, Kanye has quasi-converted to hardcore evangelical Christian values and it’s clearer than ever that there’s just no lukewarm Kanye fans. You either love him or you hate him for one reason or another.

I had several people reach out to me online and ask my opinion on the Christian Kanye issue. It was clear that people had all sorts of mixed feelings. So, as I do, rather than typing out a big long list of my thoughts, I invited those people on to the show for a round table discussion about the man himself.

On today’s episode, I’m joined by Craig Smoldt, Cole Elliott, and Jon Schweppe to break down the different sides and thoughts about The Kanye West Christian Kanspiracy Kanversation.

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.
Let’s get weird!


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