110: Raising a Weirdo w. My Mom

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Happy belated Mother’s Day! To celebrate, I invited my mom back on for another funcomfortable conversation just like last year.

Of course we touched on all the usual fun topics like, conspiracies, politics, religion, alcohol, libertarianism, drugs, prostitutes, and all the other things that normal people chat with their mothers about on Mother’s Day, right?

This episode was recorded at my kitchen table, so the audio is a little different, a little more ambiance, and you can just close your eyes and imagine that you’re sitting there in my kitchen with us sipping the coffee and observing the wonderful discomfortable conversation as it unfolds.

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.

Let’s get weird!


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One thought on “110: Raising a Weirdo w. My Mom

  1. The other day I’m riding in the car with my kids. My son and daughter were joking around in the back seat. I’m not sure what they we talking about, but my son says to my daughter “you are so weird” and was laughing at what she was doing. My daughter immediately stopped what she was doing and she turns to my son as says “I’m not weird”, she was a little upset that he said this about her. I immediately jumped in with my two cents. I said “there is nothing wrong with being weird, we’re all weird. I’m glad you are not normal, normal is boring”. I told her this meaning ever word of it. I’m glad my kids are weird. I’m glad my wife is weird, it’s one of the great things I love about her. I plan on raising my kids to be intentionally weird and to not give a care to the fact some may not like it or like that I’m raising them that way.

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