- 89: Mental Disorders and Religion: The Perfect Storm w. Joey Svendson of BadChristianPosted on by DaninUncategorized
- 88: My Path to Atheism w. Trenton Campbell (Pt. 2)Posted on by Danincontroversy&life&parenting&rants&Religion
- 87: My Path to Atheism w. Trenton Campbell (Pt 1)Posted on by Daninlife&rants&Religion
- 86: The Real Assassination of JFK w. Ole Dammegard (pt. 2)Posted on by DaninConspiracies&controversy&False Flags&Politics
- 85: The Real Assassination of JFK (pt. 1) w. Ole DammegardPosted on by DaninUncategorized
- 84: Interview with a Former Freemasonic Vampire w. Dr William SchnoebelenPosted on by DaninConspiracies&controversy&life&Religion
- 83: Welcome to Metal Mass (Metallimessu) w. Haka KekäläinenPosted on by Daninlife&music&Religion
- 82: Talking Witchcraft (Pt 2) w. Occultist Witch, Lailoken ScathachPosted on by DaninConspiracies&controversy&Religion
- 81: Talking Witchcraft (Pt 1) w. Occultist Witch, Lailoken ScathachPosted on by Danincontroversy&life¶normal&Religion&Uncategorized
- 80: A Rebuttal to #HampsteadJustice w. Flo DestroyerPosted on by DaninConspiracies&controversy&pizzagate&Religion