- QAnon Chronicles 11: 17 Steps Into North Korea, Antifa Fights Fascism (Assaults the Elderly), and Other NewsPosted on by DaninQAnon Chronicles
- 117: PorcFest Podcasters PanelPosted on by DaninComedy&life&Podcast&Politics&rants
- QAnon Chronicles 10: Google, Iran, and Democratic DisintegrationPosted on by DaninQAnon Chronicles
- 116: Vaccines, Autism, and Other Banned Topics w. Del BigtreePosted on by DaninConspiracies&controversy&Health&life&parenting&Politics
- QAnon Chronicles 09: Is Joe Biden a Clone?…. and Other NewsPosted on by DaninQAnon Chronicles
- 115: Alien Blooded, Cult Leader, Porn Star? w. Sabrina SabrokPosted on by Daninaliens&Conspiracies&Religion
- QAnon Chronicles 08: The Clinton Suicide Squad, Deepfakes, and the Weiner ConnectionPosted on by DaninQAnon Chronicles
- 114: Nephilim Giants and the Forgotten History of the World w. Jed PaynePosted on by Daninaliens&Comedy&Conspiracies&History&Religion
- QANON CHRONICLES 07: Did Q Predict Trump’s New Hairdo? & This Week’s Mish-MoshPosted on by DaninQAnon Chronicles
- 113: I Made a Thing: SH!: The End of the Week Album Discussion w. Dan SmotzPosted on by Daninart&Comedy&life&music&reviews