- 182: Is the Fight for Trump Worth It? w. Chris Taylor Brown of TRAPTPosted on by Danincontroversy&False Flags&music&pizzagate&Politics
- 181: Shooting Heroin & the Opioid Epidemic w. Spencer Folmar (Director)Posted on by Daninart&controversy&Health&life&movies&Politics&Religion
- 180: The Mandela Effect: Simulation Reloaded w. Remso MartinezPosted on by DaninComedy&Conspiracies&History¶normal
- 179: Does Justin Bieber’s “Yummy” Have #PizzaGate Connections? (C-Files)Posted on by Daninart&Conspiracies&music&pizzagate
- 177: TAXED: Spike Cohen vs Trapt’s Chris Taylor Brown “The Future of Freedom”Posted on by Danincontroversy&music&Politics&rants
- 176: End ALL Third Parties… For Liberty w. Theodore Quinoa (Crowd Funded Government)Posted on by Danincontroversy&History&life&Politics
- 175: Is the 2nd Amendment Really for Everyone? w. Gun Owners of America & Spike CohenPosted on by Danincontroversy&History&life&news&Politics
- 174: #FreeRoss: Losing Your Life for Innovation and Liberty w. Lyn Ulbricht (Mother of Ross Ulbricht)Posted on by Danincontroversy&life&parenting&Politics
- 173: AntiNews: Jorgensen Ads, Raz? Uh Muh Chaz!, #CancelCulture Fads, and Ponies are Naz*! (06.29.20)Posted on by Danincontroversy&news&Politics&rants
- 172: Big Black Dude, Small White City w. Carl PiercePosted on by Danincontroversy&History&life&news&Politics