50: TriPartisan Triggering: Gun Control & Climate Change

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In a world where the media says that the person who disagrees with you or even just the person in a different category than you is your enemy, TSID is here to prove otherwise. The person you disagree with is not your enemy. They’re just someone who thinks that they too know what’s best. If anything, the person who tells you that the person you disagree with is your enemy, is in fact, your enemy. Don’t listen.

Way back in episodes 19 and 20 I did an experiment in having a Republican, a Democrat, and a Libertarian on to discuss some hot-button issues. Nobody got triggered, nobody called names or yelled, they just had a reasonable rational discussion about disagreements. Why does that sound so foreign these days?

Those episodes got some great feedback and it was fantastic to hear three rational sides of each opinion, so I’ve decided to do more of these. We’re calling them TriPartisan Triggering. We plan to do many more in the future and this is the first official. So sit forward, don’t relax, and enjoy a real life conversation between humans that disagree. Let’s get weird.

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