43: Waco: An American Tragedy (Pt. 2)

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Why are atrocities in our history so easy to overlook? When did we get so calloused and un-empathetic? It’s as though we look at our country’s history as if it’s a work of fiction. If we honestly didn’t, I would imagine we would look at a case like Waco with much more concern and discomfort. Regardless of who you think is at fault, men, women, and children were slaughtered or burned alive. If there’s even the slightest chance that our government was responsible for any part of this, we need to realize that that criminal government is the same government we serve today. Are you ok with that?

Today’s episode is the continuation of our Waco discussion that began back in episode 40. We jump straight back into the middle of the conversation, so if you missed part one, you should definitely start there to get caught up. This topic is an important one, so share the show with a friend, open up the conversation and help spread the word.

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.

Let’s get weird!

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