179: Does Justin Bieber’s “Yummy” Have #PizzaGate Connections? (C-Files)

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This is something I’ve been trying to make happen for a while, but it never got done. So, from now on, whenever Cala is digging into a crazy topic and wants to tell me about it, I’m going to stop her, have her write it down, and come tell me all about it for the first time on the show, in a segment we shall from here forth, call “C-Files”. 

So, that’s what we’re doing today. Cala started getting into some theories about Justin Bieber’s new song / video “Yummy” and his instagram and their potential #PizzaGate connections and she enlightened me (and now you) on it and what some people are saying.

Is “Yummy” a secret message? Is he exposing it or flaunting it? Or is all of this just crazy conspiracy nonsense? Find out now on today’s episode of The System is Down #179: Does Justin Bieber’s “Yummy” Have #PizzaGate Connections? 

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/8EJ3zbKTWQ8

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.
Let’s get weird!


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