174: #FreeRoss: Losing Your Life for Innovation and Liberty w. Lyn Ulbricht (Mother of Ross Ulbricht)

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The question of the day is…. if you create a product and someone else uses it immorally, should you be held responsible?

If you’re not familiar with Ross Ulbricht’s case, the very abridged version is this… Ross created an anonymous Craigslist style free market website, some people used that site to sell drugs, and Ross was sentenced to a double life sentence. Seems a little off, right?

Today’s episode is our conversation with Ross’ mother, Lyn Ulbricht on the many injustices in her son’s case, her experience as the mother of a convicted life-sentenced felon, and her efforts to get her son out of prison.

All that and much more on today’s episode of The System is Down episode 173: #FreeRoss: Losing Your Life for Innovation and Liberty w. Lyn Ulbricht (Mother of Ross Ulbricht).

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.
Let’s get weird!

Free Ross: http://freeross.org


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