156: Is Corey Feldman’s “My Truth” Documentary Brave or Sleazy?

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I feel like we’ve been talking about this guy forever.

Corey Feldman has been teasing the world with his plan to expose major names in Hollywood as pedophiles and sex offenders, for longer than we’ve been doing this show.

Several years ago, he tried raising $10M to create an expose documentary that he claimed would tell all. Not too surprisingly, he was unable to accrue the desired amount.

However, that didn’t stop him from pressing forward and a documentary eventually indeed was released, not without many hurdles. The doc, My Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys kind of sort of premiered on the anniversary of Corey Haim’s death, March 9th, 2020 and Craig and I were among the ticket purchasing viewing audience.   

Was this expose all it was hyped up to be for years on end? What major Hollywood names did Corey Feldman expose in this documentary? Is Feldman vindicated for all the years he’s strung everyone along with this information? Was this a sleezy cash grab? Find out now on today’s episode of The System is Down episode 156: Is Corey Feldman’s “My Truth” Documentary Brave or Sleazy?

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.

Let’s get weird!


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