QAnon Chronicles 33: Q Proofs Abound, Winning Intensifies, FISA Before Declas

This week we dive into the explosive Horowitz FISA Report, and you don’t want to miss it; the whole report is CHOCK full of Q-ish coincidences, and in case it wasn’t already hard enough to deny the clear Trump/Q connection…it just got a lot harder.

…that’s what she said.

Stay Weird




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One thought on “QAnon Chronicles 33: Q Proofs Abound, Winning Intensifies, FISA Before Declas

  1. Scott…love your show! Can you clarify where it is in the FISA report that has the weird copy-and-paste artifact with the Q instead of the O? Otherwise I’ll have to read the whole report to find it. Maybe I should anyway…

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