98: Animals Are Food. Talking Carnivore Diet w. Bruce Willke Jr.

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The question of the day is…. Do you think animals have souls?

Well, I sure hope not because today we’re going to talk all about killing them and eating them.

Today’s episode is my conversation with friend of the show, Bruce Willke Jr. about the controversial Carnivore Diet. This “fad” diet has been ruffling some feathers as it not only throws the food pyramid into the trash where it belongs, but it basically throws everything but cows out the window.

Bruce has a medical condition called Ulcerative Colitis, which has improved incredibly since implementing this radical diet.

While dietary topics aren’t typically something that we get into much around here, Bruce has an awesome story to share and a lot of insight on an unconventional idea and that’s what we’re all about on The System is Down. So let’s get weird!

Also, Bruce and I recorded a bonus hour episode for members of The Downers Club where we dug into some of the more conspiratorial stuff around food, medicine, politics, and culture. If you would like to hear that, just go check out The Downers Club at patreon.com/thesystemisdown.

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.

Let’s get weird!


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