88: My Path to Atheism w. Trenton Campbell (Pt. 2)

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Today’s episode is the continuation and conclusion of my conversation with my all-but-estranged cousin Trenton Campbell on his path from conservative fundamentalist Christian upbringing to atheist adulthood.

If you haven’t already heard part one, I would strongly advise you go back and check that out before proceeding.

At this point in the conversation, Trenton and I are a few drinks in and the topics jump around a bit. Like I said last week, these episodes aren’t the usual interview format, they’re more just casual catching up on life and lost time, so the convo goes where the convo goes.

Not much else to say here, but again, do listen to part one first so you know what the heck we’re on about. Enjoy!

Question Everything. Stay Uncomfortable.

Let’s get weird!


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